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"Hourglass Dungeon" by Phantasmagoria

added 21 Oct 2006 22:21
Shortest Solution
NameSpeed Record
Length567 moves
On12 Dec 2011 15:56

Comments (turn spoilers off)
15937 Hourglass Dungeon Dave (2400) Mon 12 Dec 2011 15:56 SPOILER
  Added speedrun: 567 moves (old: 569).
7130 Hourglass Dungeon Doom (371) Sun 22 Oct 2006 06:16 SPOILER
  Added speedrun: 569 moves (old: 573).
7129 Hourglass Dungeon Alois (316) Sun 22 Oct 2006 03:30 SPOILER
  Added speedrun: 573 moves (old: 759).
Skipped a part using a bomb...
7128 Hourglass Dungeon mjn (118) Sun 22 Oct 2006 02:55 SPOILER
  Yup, in addition to the extra bomb Tom mentioned, there's no need for the top-left bomb: you can use the long-fused one instead.

Nice one, though (if a little big...).
7127 Hourglass Dungeon mjn (118) Sun 22 Oct 2006 02:48 SPOILER
  Added speedrun: 759 moves (old: 1031).
Uh-oh, perhaps a cook?
7125 Hourglass Dungeon Tom 7 (1) Sat 21 Oct 2006 23:27 SPOILER
  Added speedrun: 1031 moves (old: 1232).
A fine little level, though there is an extra bomb at the end...
7122 Hourglass Dungeon Phantasmagor (1057) Sat 21 Oct 2006 22:21  
  'Hourglass Dungeon' uploaded by Phantasmagor.