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"4-Digit Sudoku (build your own)" by mjn

added 23 Jun 2006 14:47
Shortest Solution
On22 Nov 2011 14:46

Comments (turn spoilers on)
6474 4-Digit Sudoku (build your own) Doom (371) Fri 23 Jun 2006 18:28  
  This is a little like what I was thinking about doing, but more clean, and more simple than mine. And it works - I couldn't see how to enforce different colors in each corner in my implementation. (Something like what Max did *could've* worked... but that's just crazy)
6464 4-Digit Sudoku (build your own) mjn (118) Fri 23 Jun 2006 14:47  
  '4-Digit Sudoku (build your own)' uploaded by mjn:
Ask and ye shall receive!

The mechanism will accept any valid 4-digit sudoku. You could force a specific one by placing the givens and surrounding them with rough.

(Or you could just get rid of most of the mechanism and have panels below the board in the right places, of course, but that would give away the answer...)